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Hailing from ancient Greece and undoubtedly responsible for that land’s legendary Amazons and Maenads, the Black Furies tribe consists almost entirely of female Garou. 

The only males that are welcome are metis, and even then only those born to the tribe; a male metis of another tribe joining the

Furies is simply unheard of.

Many of the other tribes - particularly the Get of Fenris and Shadow Lords - write off the Black Furies as nothing more than “warrior women,” but nothing could be farther from the truth.


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If you asked the member of any other tribe which Garou are furthest from Gaia, fingers would unerringly point to the Bone Gnawers, who live in sewers, garbage dumps and slums in the greatest cities of the World of Darkness.

But the Bone Gnawers know the truth. Gaia isn’t just in the virgin timberland or at the top of a craggy peak: Gaia is in the city, too. Unlike their cousins, the Bone Gnawers fight for Gaia every day. The Wyrm is at its strongest in the heart of great cities, and so it is there that Gaia is at Her weakest and in most defenseless


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The Western Concordiat seems unanimous in its hatred for the Weaver and Wyrm. The Children of Gaia alone stand against this. They know - or at least claim to know - that war is the creation of the Wyrm and strengthens the Wyrm. They desire to make peace, first among the 12 Tribes and then

between the Garou and humanity. And then, who knows how far such an upswelling of good sentiment might go?





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The 12 Tribes of the Garou Nation represent a broad swath of global culture; although the Garou are unquestionably not human, they come from at least half human stock, and so their society reflects that of the homids that swarmover the planet. Each tribe has its own relationship with Gaia, the Triat and the other spirits of the Umbra, and the 12 together have a complex web of political interrelationships.


A werewolfs tribe is not the sole determiner of her personality, but personality and tribe often coincide. The section below describes the 12 Tribes of the Western Concordiat, their histories, strengths and weaknesses, common attitudes and relationships with the other tribes.



Many onlookers suspect that the blood of the Fair Folk runs in the veins of the Fianna tribe; these Garou share an ancestral home with the legendary fae in the British Isles, and have the same love of a good song and strong drink

as those mythical creatures. The Fianna are master storytellers - a good Fianna yam, whether true or not, will set  you back a case of beer and half a night, and you’ll wonder where the time went as you stumble to the door.




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The Get of Fenris are the Fenrir, the chosen children of Fenris Wolf, the mightiest warrior spirit in the heavens. They are the fists of Gaia and the greatest warriors of the Garou Nation. Anyone who cares to disagree is welcome to challenge these proclamations in person. The Get hail from northern Europe and Scandinavia; those are harsh lands, not prone to forgiving individual frailty, and the Get have absorbed this attitude from their

surroundings. They want no truck with weaklings of any kind, caring only for the strongest Garou.


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The Glass Walkers are the most modern and forward-thinking of all the tribes of the Garou Nation. They alone truly embrace modern technology and turn the Weaver’s tools on the Wyrm’s minions for Gaia’s benefit. They do

their best to bring their technology and resources to the other tribes so that all can benefit from the latest advances, but, as is often the case, the Red Talons get frustrated and smash new cell phones, while the Get of Fenris hurl laptop computers into nearby lakes. In the end.



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Walk through a city some night, and look up at the sky. Try to find a star, any star. You’re lucky if you can see Luna herself up there. Imagine you had the power to punish the people concealing the pure sky from you. Here is the source of the Red Talons’ rage. They can see the pure sky; they live in pure,

clean, wild lands, but every day some idiot ape bulldozes another hundred acres to put up another 200 cookie-cutter suburban homes. The answer is obvious to the Red Talons: kill some homids. Yet this is precisely what the other 11 tribes refuse to do.


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The Shadow Lords cultivate an air of menace in the same way that a Child of Gaia cultivates her herb garden. Dark, looming, brooding - such traits personify these Garou of Eastern European descent. The Shadow Lords know with precise certainty that they are more qualified to lead the Garou Nation than the Silver Fangs; the Fangs’ leadership consists of doddering old fools, lost in yesterday’s glory, they say. They hold themselves to be the

guardians of the Litany, well-versed in the “correct” interpretations of the tenets. Above all, they respect power and strength; the weak are worth only of disdain or swift death

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The Silent Striders are wanderers, Messengers and travelers; more than anything else they are enigmas. Though the tribe originally hails from Egypt, they no longer reside there, instead wandering the globe. Though it is claimed that no Garou can enter the lands of the dead, the scent of the Dark Umbra clings to them. And though they rarely do any other Garou wrong, few werewolves completely trust the Silent Striders.





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The Silver Fangs are the traditional rulers of the Garou Nation. Their Kinfolk hail from the most highly placed noble families in Europe, northern Africa and western Asia, and their regal blood and pure breed are obvious to

any Garou they encounter. At the same time, the Silver Fangs' continued breeding among the same noble families has concentrated some mental eccentricities within the tribe; in the modern days, few Silver Fangs have all of their mental faculties




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The Uktena tribe is one of the two remaining “Pure Ones” tribes; they, the Wendigo and the long-vanished Croatan lived in North America for thousands of years until the invasion of the so-called Wyrmcomer tribes of Europe some 500 years ago. Despite fierce fighting by the Uktena and Wendigo to help their Kinfolk preserve a traditional way of life, the Wyrmcomers and their Kinfolk swarmed across the continent like a plague. 





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In the ancient days before the Wyrmbringers and their Garou allies, the Wyrmcomers, the Wendigo tribe was one of three that tended to the humans and wolves of the Pure Lands. The Uktena tribe was known as Older Brother,

the shamans; the Croatan was Middle Brother, the leaders and diplomats; and

the Wendigo was Younger Brother, the warriors.






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