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Hounds of Hell Outposts.


There are not many places in this world that a bunch of Garou nomadic Wyrm fighters can call home. So when a place that suits them does come along the Hounds tend to return to it, time and time again. 


Detailed below are just some of the places that the Hounds of Hell have called home and still are able to return without bother or questions. Some of the locations have even been used as hiding places for the Garou and Kinfolk of the MC after trouble or enemies have moved against them.


But of course when the other side is considered they are also places that kinfolk and garou both have lost their lives. Either by defending or just by sheer presence after trouble. Families have been broken and made within these walls. Children born and friends made and lost. Each one has it's own story within the Hounds of Hell Chronicle.

The Dodger:
Baton Rouge,LA.


The Dodger is perhaps the most famous of the Hounds of Hell Outposts. An old biker bar in it's infancy held by the daughter of one of the Original Hounds of Hell pack members. Jack Buchanon, the daughter of Nick Buchanon, was a Strider kinfolk who captivated the Hounds of Hell during their first stay. She had made every effort to make sure the Hounds were kept in a happy and well felt manner. The bar that stood then was a simple affair. Old slatted walls and a lively bar within that consistantly had the jukebox battling between Classic Rock and Reggae. 

The Hounds has managed to stay here for perhaps one of the longest times outside of their stays within Texas, a state that has always held the Hounds for the longest periods. Jack and the others were brought together with booze, song and brotherhood. Something the Hounds at the time so desperately needed after mutliple defeats. 


Some of the most powerful decisions in regards of the Alphaship of Jarl Imogen were made here as well as Lucas Killdare's past choices to become Alpha himself for the MC and the Sept as one. 


But not only has it soothed the Sept's wounds and held some of the most important meetings of the Hounds of hell. It was to deal the greatest wound to many of the Hounds as the Spiral was soon to follow the MC home and devatate all they had built for themselves and their families there. 

It had been a day that started like every other had within the Dodger's grounds. Calm, quiet perhaps besides the sounds of Crickets and Secadas in the plentiful trees that surrounded the area. The first sign of trouble came at blackened burns made in the grass near to the building. Symbols of the tainted totems that only a few of the Hounds knew. They called to arms and were surrounded quickly by the packs of the Green Dragon. 


Within a short time the old slatted bar was bright and ablaze with green flames of the deathly wyrm's grip. Inside however there were kinfolk and garou alike who were trying to free themselves from the burning fires. Spirals following to end the lives of the Gaians who had sought sanctuary here. The owner Jack Buchanon met her end when she threw herself and a Spiral from an upstairs window having been tortured by the sickened Wyrm Creature. Two more of the Hounds Garou would die in the flames. One of which, one of the Lupus Fenrir, packed with the Head Warder Fredrick Mahn would die screaming in pain when the help he had begged Fredrick for wouldn't reach him in time. Something that to this day still haunting the Ahroun. 


After the green flames of the Dragon Totem had burnt down to the ashes that covered the grounds, The Dodger stood in disrepair. A haunting and painful reminder of the numerous Kin and Garou who had lost their lives in the encounter that they had been so terribly ill-prepared for. Many had chosen never to return to it's grounds, finding it nothing more than a tomb before their eyes after the atrosities there. 


Even months after the events there, some of the Hounds of Hell still found themselves emotional. Some cried, others just shivered at the memories they held for the place. 


It was a decision that was made between the Hounds of Hell Founder, John Killdare and Royal Blood Silver Fang, Zayne Morningkill to rebuild on the old site and create something that would be sorely needed by the roaming Hounds, despite their hesistance. 


Zayne and John both organized when and where they could for different works to go into the old Dodger building. Making sure it was serve as a strong post of the Hounds should the future need come calling. 


After long hours and many thousands of Dollars, made available by the Silver Fang. The Dodger started to be rebuilt. From the Foundations up, a new commercial kitchen was added to the basement of the place, then a Common Room and Dining area, upstairs finished off with 7 large family rooms and ensuite bathrooms. Enough to house the Hounds of Hell families with their children should the need arise. Work halted however with the death of the Hounds of Hell Founder, John Killdare. However Zayne knew he had to finish his project with the man he had come to know as a mentor and adoptive father. Continuing work the following year into making sure that now the Dodger had a Church and a full Mechanic's workstation for care of their bikes.


'Church' being the affectionate name for the MC club meeting hall. Along the back of the new build, Zayne attached an extension and building out a new room with large black ornate doors carved with the three-headed Hell Hound in the MC's honor. Along the walls of the hall are pictures of the Hounds of Hell and their families along the long road that they have already faced. Either roaming or battling their vast past enemies. A strong reminder of the Gaian natures and their heritage.

MacKinnon's Motorshop:

Houston, TX.

MacKinnon's Motors was the property of a Kinfolk named Benjamin MacKinnon. A Fianna who had defected to the Glasswalker tribe after business took off. He had felt a strong pull to the tribe thanks to the strength of the Glasswalkers in the area of Houston, TX. After his demise the motorshop was taken over by his daughter, Adrianne MacKinnon who herself was a talented and skilled Mechanic and Fabricator. 


Adrianne had become involved with the Hounds of Hell after meeting Logan Killdare in a nearby bar. The two had quickly become involved and he had brought her to the sept several times in order for her to get to know the Hounds herself. Logan and her relationship became stormy as fast as it had begun. They did not seem to ever have the calmest or even the happiest time together to begin with, even when Adrianne fell pregnant with their daughter, who would be named after Logan's beloved late mother, Cassidy. Things progressively got worse between the two after multiple kinfolk claimed to have had their own passions with Logan. Adrianne had left to return to the 

Motorshop with her young daughter, however it regularly became a favoured haunt for the other members of the Killdare family, including Lucas and Eva. 


The Motorshop provided the group with well needed maintence of their bikes and also the giant RV that was lovingly known as The "Beast"


Logan decided to try for his family however and after much thought he decided to go to the Motorshop in order to try to make Adrianne see that he had changed his ways. However the bliss he found there, Adrianne once again pregnant and this time with a baby son to add to the family. Would not last as long as they had hoped.

One night Eva Killdare had made her way to the motoshop to find it locked up and closed down. Something very very unusual. She was able to gain access to the Motorshop, but what she found within has never left her nightmares.


Walking upstairs to the staying rooms of the motorshop, she found Logan hanging from a beam, beaten and still bleeding. But beyond him were the bodies of not only Adrianne, gutted and her unborn child dead upon the floor, but also little Cassidy who had been treated in much the same way as her parents. Eva's heart broke as she only managed to get Logan down but with a shuffling of movement behind her, she ended up running as the shadows began to move with her brother in her arms. When she and a number of the Garou returned to reclaim the bodies of Logan's young family there was no sign of the creature in the shadows, that has since haunted the building to this day. Upon every stay the Hounds have had here there has always been freak accidents. Fires and explosions are rife through the garage and it's inhabitants. Even the "Beast" had it's windows blown out and shattered from seemingly nothing as it sat on the shop floor. 


Mackinnon's is a useful place for the Hounds of Hell and it's one they would need to keep a hold of for the crutial work needed on their vehicles and bikes. But of course it is normally weighed up against the risks due to the paranormal that seems to be so active within it's walls. 

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