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The Fenris Jaw


The Fenris Jaw Caern is a smaller location in the bays of the Norwegian coastline, not too far away from the great Isensol Temple, laying south east to the Jaw's location.

The old launching docklands of ancient times stand still in the location of the Caern and Sept against the rolling tides of the North Sea. 


The ice covers the most part of the Caern and it's location but under it's many wards and spiritual barriers, there can be found a beautiful time of old, still living in ancient looking longhouses and without modern technology.


The people here are sturdy folk who face the wrath of their spirits and appointed Gods within every day life. Living with the circling rituals of the solstaces to the every day worship of the Norse Gods in practice. They live by the Nine pillars of faith, the same as the Isensol tend to do. Further information on the Nine can be found on the Isensol Page.

Fenris Jaw as been a place where many of the Hounds of Hell have been born. Including the origins of the Killdare family. Fenris Jaw along with it's harsh environment, echoes this within the tales of it's people and uprising. From the great legendary tyrant of Orkenthrall Killdare to the true heroes such as Tjimothis Brynnasdawn. 


Fenris Jaw has been known as a place of hardy warriors, born to great fathers and ancestors. The Caern itself has served as a feeder Caern to the Isensol Temple for centuries. Many of the best known have moved to the temple in order to defend the great temple from the influences of the wyrm and the attacks of Banes and Spirals alike. 


One of it's main rituals tells of great sacrifice, something that seems to be a running theme with the Caern and it's people. The ritual may be gruesome to some, even of the Fenrir, yet it has served a great purpose for the spiritual well being of the caern. The ritual is known as 'The Burning Crown' it is said that at the height of his power, the Jarl will take himself amongst loved ones and allies to the 3 swords. A huge monument that stands just outside of it's perimeter. It will be there that the Jarl will place the crown upon his head and will suffer for the good of his or her people. Fires can burn for several days with the howling cries of the Jarl echoing over it's landscape. The pain endured and the amount of time the Jarl lasts in the embers until their deaths is said to determine the good of the harvests and the progression of it's people.


However with the heroic tales comes the stories of the darkness, forever just around the corner. Fenris Jaw has held one of the most ferocious packs the tribe has ever come to know, known only by the name 'Thor's Few' a vast collective of strong and powerful Garou warriors who all bare the same brand on their left arms. A soldered brand of a Thor's Hammer or Mjolnir. 

The pack have been responsible for many a battle in the Norwegian mountainsides and for a long time this was viewed as only a good thing. Courageous in their conquests, until of course pride began to take over and the pack's bloodlusts turned on the Caern itself. 


For the ones who stayed, either to defend or lost to the chaos, mass graves were dug into the frozen grounds and the bodies have been laid there to be forgotten in the harsh winds and snowfall. A terrifying example of what can happen when the Garou turn against themselves. 


For now however the times of the Fenris Jaw's people have turned to the dark. Long and harsh winters have given them less and less each year to survive on. Crops are failing and the people in turn have looked for many ways to try to move out from the Caern. However under fear and also loyalty to this once beautiful place, they have stayed. 


Since the burning of the Jaw, the Jarls have passed only to two names. First was Orkenthrall himself who enjoyed a long reign in the Caern as it's Alpha until his timely death at the hands of vigilante warriors who took to battle him and his forces once his hungers had turned to the Isensol also. His conquest of the Isensol failed. With that death a new man stood to take over the Fenris Jaw as the Jarl of the people. A younger man, powerful and political in his standings. He seemed to be the perfect answer for the desperate cries of the Jaw.


Skellan Morathisgurd has stood now as the Jarl of the Fenris Jaw for near a decade. Where some have vicious rumors of his part in the death of Tjimothis, others have taken to love the charismatic Jarl and his ways. He brings with him the political powers and ways expected of perhaps the Shadowlords or the darker agents of the Silver Fangs. 


But with each passing year it would seem the unappeased gods and spirits that surround the Fenris Jaw are still hungry for blood. Skellan has worked tirelessly to bring back prosperity to the lands and the Caern but it has not yet got to the point of his success. Crops are still failing and the lives of the Jaw are still tough. To some too tough to survive. 


Unmated and childless, Skellan believes he has much more work to do in order to be anywhere near the height of his reign. However the real question is, whether or not the Gods and Spirits agree as they circle around the Caern and the Jarl like hungered wolves and scavengers. 

Numbering some 30 years ago, Thor's Few burst into the Caern and started to ransack the place and it's people. Fires burned into the night skies as women and children were left running for their lives. Thor's Few had decided to userp the Jarl, Tjimothis Brynnasdawn and take over the Caern for their own uses and needs. Headed up by the titanous Orkenthrall Killdare, the pack made small work of taking down the structure and killing those who opposed them. 


Tjimothis himself is said to have been murdered before the 3 swords monument after many hours of torture and being made to watch as his home was destroyed around him. 


It was only due to the efforts of some Garou who managed to get a small group of families and children out of the burning ruins through a moonbridge that some survived. 

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