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The Black Furies:


A tribe comprised mostly of female Garou, the Black Furies aggressively defend the Wyld and fertile places that are holy to Gaia.

Description: Hailing from ancient Greece and undoubtedly responsible for that land’s legendary Amazons and  Maenads, the Black Furies tribe  consists almost entirely of female Garou. The only males that are welcome are metis, and even then only those born to the tribe; a male metis of another tribe joining the Furies is simply unheard of. Many of the other tribes - particularly the Get of Fenris and Shadow Lords - write off the Black Furies as nothing more than “warrior women,” but nothing could be farther from the truth.  - For More Click the Picture.

The Bone Gnawers


Scavengers and survivors of the streets, the Bone Gnawer's shared struggle to endure has forged their identity.

Description: If you asked the member of any other tribe which Garou are furthest from Gaia, fingers would unerringly point to the Bone Gnawers, who live in sewers, garbage dumps and slums in the greatest cities of the World of Darkness. But the Bone Gnawers know the truth. Gaia isn’t just in the virgin timberland or at the top of a craggy peak: Gaia is in the city, too. Unlike their cousins, the Bone Gnawers fight for Gaia every day. The Wyrm is at its strongest in the heart of great cities, and so it is there that Gaia is at Her weakest and in most need of defense.  - For More Click the Picture.

The Children of Gaia

"Peace" isn't a concept most people would link to a tribe of warrior-wolves, but the Children of Gaia see it as the cause for which they fight.

Description: The Western Concordiat seems unanimous in its hatred for the Weaver and Wyrm. The Children of Gaia alone stand against this. They know - or at least claim to know - that war is the creation of the Wyrm and strengthens the Wyrm. They desire to make peace, first among the 12 Tribes and then between the Garou and humanity. And then, who knows how far such an upswelling of good sentiment might go?   - For More Click the Picture.



The 12 Tribes of the Garou Nation represent a broad swath of global culture; although the Garou are unquestionably not human, they come from at least half human stock, and so their society reflects that of the homids that swarm over the planet. Each tribe has its own relationship with Gaia, the Triat and the other spirits of the Umbra, and the 12 together have a complex web of political interrelationships.

A werewolfs tribe is not the sole determiner of her personality, but personality and tribe often coincide.

The section below describes the 12 Tribes of the Western Concordiat, their histories, strengths and weaknesses, common attitudes and relationships with the other tribes




Garou are not necessarily born into tribes. Each werewolf must be adopted by a tribal totem at some point around the time of his Rite of Passage. For the vast majority of Garou, this is a swift process in which one is inducted into his werewolf parent’s tribe (generally the mother’s tribe in the case of metis). But it does not always go so smoothly. The Black Furies will not adopt male homid or lupus Garou; the Silver Fangs will not accept a Garou of low birth; the Red Talons will not accept a Garou born to homids, even should that one be of Talon ancestry (a very rare thing!). If a cub is rejected by his natural tribe, he will likely be adopted by another (the Bone Gnawers, Fianna and the Children of Gaia are not usually picky about a cub’s upbringing).

A rare cub might reject his “birth tribe” and petition another tribe for membership. Again, while this isn’t exactly common, it is not unheard of. Perhaps a child is born of Glass Walker lineage but feels the pull of the road common to the Silent Striders; conversely, perhaps a young Garou of the Uktena finds an affinity to Weaver-things and wishes to join the Glass Walkers. If all associated elders are willing, the cub should be free to move to the tribe he finds most welcoming. In the case of lost cubs, the cub should be steered toward the tribe that most befits his own nature, though tribal politics may well play a role here.

In game terms, such a shift in tribe should occur before the character has learned any tribal Gifts. He should only start with Gifts from his adopted tribe, not his birth tribe, as he was never accepted by his birth tribe’s totem spirit. The character gets no special affinity for his birth tribe’s totem spirit or Gifts (at least not in game terms), and should be considered in all ways to be a member of his adopted tribe.

The Fianna


The roots of the Fianna tribe run deep into Celtic soil, and bloom into epic adventures, rousing musics, good food, strong drink, and unquenchable passions.

Description: Many onlookers suspect that the blood of the Fair Folk runs in the veins of the Fianna tribe; these Garou share an ancestral home with the legendary fae in the British Isles, and have the same love of a good song and strong drink as those mythical creatures. The Fianna are master storytellers - a good Fianna yam, whether true or not, will set you back a case of beer and half a night, and you’ll wonder where the time went as you stumble to the door.  - For More Click the Picture.

The Get of Fenris


These Nordic Garou claim to be warriors among warriors, devoting themselves to Glory and bloodshed with a singular focus.

Description: The Get of Fenris are the Fenrir, the chosen children of Fenris Wolf, the mightiest warrior spirit in the heavens. They are the fists of Gaia and the greatest warriors of the Garou Nation. Anyone who cares to disagree is welcome to challenge these proclamations in person. The Get hail from northern Europe and Scandinavia;  those are harsh lands, not prone to forgiving individual frailty, and the Get have absorbed this attitude from their surroundings. They want no truck with weaklings of any kind, Caring only for the Strongest Garou.  - For More Click the Picture.

The Glasswalkers


Leave the other tribes to their musty old traditions; the Glass Walkers are city wolves, embracing the cutting edge of the fight against the Wyrm.

Description: The Glass Walkers are the most modern and forward-thinking of all the tribes of the Garou Nation. They alone truly embrace modern technology and turn the Weaver’s tools on the Wyrm’s minions for Gaia’s benefit. They do their best to bring their technology and resources to the other tribes so that all can benefit from the latest advances, but, as is often the case, the Red Talons get frustrated and smash new cell phones, while the Get of Fenris hurl laptop computers into nearby lakes.  - For More Click the Picture.

The Shadowlords


The Shadow Lords are a severe tribe, earning their ruthlessness and cunning from long millennia serving faithfully behind the Silver Fangs. Perhaps it's time to change that.

Description: The Shadow Lords cultivate an air of menace in the same way that a Child of Gaia cultivates her herb garden. Dark, looming, brooding - such traits personify these Garou of Eastern European descent. The Shadow Lords know with precise certainty that they are more qualified to lead the Garou Nation than the Silver Fangs; the Fangs’ leadership consists of doddering old fools, lost in yesterday’s glory, they say. - For More Click the Picture.

The Silent Striders


A tribe of wanderers without a home, the Silent Striders carry messages between Septs and investigate the secrets of the longest journey -- death.

Description: The Silent Striders are wanderers, messengers and travelers; more than anything else they are enigmas. Though the tribe originally hails from Egypt, they no longer reside there, instead wandering the globe. Though it is claimed that no Garou can enter the lands of the dead, the scent of the Dark Umbra clings to them. And though they rarely do any other Garou wrong, few werewolves completely trust the Silent Striders. - For More Click the Picture.

The Silver Fangs


At their best, the Silver Fangs are a noble tribe of kings and queens, ancestral rulers of the Garou Nation. But at their worst, they are despots mad with power.

Description: The Silver Fangs are the traditional rulers of the Garou Nation. Their Kinfolk hail from the most highly placed noble families in Europe, northern Africa and western Asia, and their regal blood and pure breed are obvious to any Garou they encounter. At the same time, the Silver Fangs' continued breeding among the same noble families has concentrated some mental eccentricities within the tribe; in the modern days, few Silver Fangs have  all of their mental faculties. Some see visions of the tribe's heroic past, others lose memories, and others have even more dangerous derangements.- For More Click the Picture.

The Uktena


Knowledge is power, and power should not be shared carelessly. Or ever. The native "Tribe of Secrets" embraces the mystical traditions of marginalized peoples across the world.

Description: The Uktena tribe is one of the two remaining “Pure Ones” tribes; they, the Wendigo and the long-vanished Croatan lived in North America for thousands of years until the invasion of the so-called Wyrmcomer tribes of Europe  some 500 years ago. Despite fierce fighting by the  Uktena  and Wendigo to help their Kinfolk preserve a traditional  way of life, the Wyrmcomers and their Kinfolk swarmed across the continent like a plague.- For More Click the Picture.

The Wendigo


These proud warriors of the First Nations peoples dwell deeply in all they have lost since the coming of the Europeans -- but they fight all the harder for their ancestors' sake.

Description: In the ancient days before the Wyrmbringers and their Garou allies, the Wyrmcomers, the Wendigo tribe was one of three that tended to the humans and wolves of the Pure Lands. The Uktena tribe was known as Older Brother, the shamans; the Croatan was Middle Brother, the leaders and diplomats; and the Wendigo was Younger Brother, the warriors. - For More Click the Picture.

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