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The Temple of Isensol rests in the mountaineous area of northern Norway. Serving as the spiritual home of the Get of Fenris and their tribesmen. The Temple of Isensol sits on the old site of what is considered to be the Longhouse of the first pack of the Fenrir, the true norsemen who created the tribe under Fenris's guiding paws. 


There is a lot of evidence to support that this is indeed the site of the first of the Fenrir Longhouses. Archelogically speaking. The Temple is made of a vast Hall of the Shield. Over the floor beyond the giant carved doorway is an intricate symbol built into the floor with pigmented stones, recovered from the nearby mountain side and now abandoned mines. This gigantic sun emblem is not just for show however. The central symbol of the Isensol is the Sun and it's fire more specifically. 


The traditional name for the Temple is "Isensolfestning" The literal meaning behind it is "Hall of the Ice Sun"


Beyond the giant sun in the ground lies the Hall of the Shield. A long drinking and gathering hall with wide and long wooden handcrafted tables from the norweigian pines. Every Shield that lines the walls of the great hall holds the depictions and names of every major family within the Get of Fenris Tribe. As you can imagine there are a lot of them. Such families include the "Killdare" and of course the "Mahn"


The Isensol opens out into serving quarters, kitchens and firehalls. The whole place has an slightly eerie sense of warmth that works it's way from the very walls. Moving deeper into the Depths there is a large statue at the end of the great hall that depicts a single old man, a Kinfolk to the tribe. Some of the fenrir may find this odd that "Einar" stands there. He is dressed in old robes and his hand is motioned forward as if a picture of a scholar but is indeed a Kinfolk. Most would expect an King of old and yet this kinfolk is stood in the highest regard and carved from the deepest mined smooth dark stones. When the fires of the hall are lit, the light will reflect from his eyes and it would feel to those that observed him that his gaze moved over them as if he were very much still alive. 


The Temple spreads into it's higher reaches, towers housing private quarters for which there is a grand total of 25 towers, all with private suites for the loyal subjects of the Temple. The largest is the central spire and home only to the Jarl and his family. 

The Jarl is known as Jokul Rathiswulfsen, his main deed name is "Firehelm" a name shared by the great House Jarls of Isensol. Only the strongest of their kind may take up the helm. Serving almost a similar purpose to that of the "Silver Crown" for the Fenrir Jarls. The undertaking of holding such a powerful Fetish is measured by spiritual and physical strength. Jokul is known to be one of the most successful Jarls of his kind. 


Jokul Rathiswulfsen became an Elder ranked Fenrir Ahroun by the time he was 25 years old. He has served the same since then, now approaching his late thirties. Having been the Jarl of Isensol for now 10 years. 10 years that has seen the Temple prosper and grow in it's spiritual strength and standing in the nation. 


As much as the tale of this man depicts an Elder of higher purpose, Jokul remains and a man of his people, who tend to be fiercely loyal to the nobleman. Having walked the plains of Malfeas, he is feared and loved in equal respect. Making his one of the most brilliant reigns of his breed and standing. 


Isensol has seen it's share of war and with it has remained victorious, however the true gem of this temple lies deep within it's compound. A single almost mile long shimmering wall that cuts through the heart of it's being and build. The wall has the ability to show the souls of the Fenrir ancestors of old walking around beyond the Gauntlet in their final rest. Many of the Garou beyond it are said to sit within the halls of Valhalla and as such the wall is the window to the great mead hall. There are many arguements to what exactly the wall is but it remains pure due to the efforts of the Jarl and his loyal subjects. 


The Temple of Isensol is also the place of a longstanding and held alliance between the most spiritual of the Fenrir and also a single ancient order of Silent Striders, known only as the "Order of Aurielius" 


The order are said to have been created back before the times grew long and hateful, before the wars of the silver and rage. In civilized times we recognize the dates they hold that of the Roman legionnaires. Some whispers tell of persians and asian tribes that banded together under sacred vow to protect the Caesar they would place in power to be

rid of the dire corruption in the monarchy and leaders of such a time. Apparently the Order have decided to continue that work with their presence around the Isensol. Most of the Striders being there are serving as Warders of the grounds and the watches of the shimmering wall. The presences beyond the wall consistantly giving them curiousities. Some of the greatest Theurge are yet to make sense of what the wall truly is. Yet Jokul keeps his doors open to the order in exchange for the Strider's warforms and defense of the great temple. 


The Temple of Isensol hold true to a religion found only with the strongest and normally the most traditional Fenrir of the Nation. Many go to Isensol to be tutors of these teachings and the skills to apply the code to their daily battle against the wyrm. 



The Nine Pillars of the Fenrir Faith:
Self Reliance

The Temple of Isensol is a place that holds to the traditions of honor and knowledge beyond that of the mortal world. Within it's walls is the library, a massive space with a wall to each of the Nine Pillars. Knowledges new and ancient are scribed upon it's pages especially for the libraries use. In it's center is the vast Fetish known as the Firehelm. The Helm sits upon it's pillar and is the symbol of the strength, passion and fire that the tribe must hold to to bind the rest of the pillars together in their epic battle against the Wyrm and the darkest of forces. 

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